AYN - Discover Restaurants Nearby
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Discover Restaurants Nearby

Discover all the restaurants within walking distance from where you stand using our award-winning augmented reality technology.

Hand Holding Phone

Award-Winning Technology

Discover all the restaurants within walking distance from where you with our award-winning augmented reality technology

10000 Restaurants
Over 10,000 restaurants

For the optimal experience we've mapped over 10,000 restaurants, and we give up the option to add your own if we missed any!

Add your own restaurant
Add your own!

Did we miss a place? You can help us add it.

Restaurant menus
Menus, best dishes, pictures...

We give you everything you need to decide on which restaurant is worth you walk.

Restaurant reviews and sentiment analysis

Discover what others have said about their experience.

Who We Are

Arif Abed - Co-founder and CEO

Arif Abed

Co-founder & CEO

Haydar Kamala - Co-founder and COO

Haydar Kamala

Co-founder & COO

Rami Zebian - Co-founder and CTO

Rami Zebian

Co-founder & CTO

May Ali - Co-founder

Mai Ali
